I don't really understand what the hell is the entire world's fascination with william hung . For the ignorant ones , he is the loser in american idol that can't sing or dance properly even if his life depended on it . YEP . that's the one . I mean , just freaking face up to it , if you can't sing then let it be , why the hell does the entire world idolising him ? By ignoring the fact that he can't sing and focusing on his endearing nerdish behaviour ( if there is ever such a term ) it's like idolisation is now seems to be the highest form of denial . i mean , HELLO ! , it's the american idol , if i ever sang and even looked remotely like him i would wear a paper bag in UCLA . so, maybe i'm inciting some "hate nerds" movement , but hey , if you fucked up your opportunity , then live with it , i have no idea why people take A and call it B . It completely baffles me. william bangs ? .. i don't think so . bang william . yes .

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