An Orientation Count

Next week is orientation and thought i might be interesting to provide some figures relating to orientation and myself .

Particpated - 1 (2001)
Facilitated - 1 (2001)
Planned & Executed - 2 (2002)
Attended - 3 (2003-2005)

That will make it a grand total of 7 orientations in total. ( This BTW , is does not include the numerous camps i've been to )

So , do not blame me if i'm not all cheery & looking forward to orientation . There are only that many things you can do in an orientation , that many ice break games you can play , that many cheers you can do . It's extremely weird when you have "graduated" from participating in orientations to actually planning and executing them and NOW having to participate in one more again. It's liking seeing the ugly side of orientation and having to act all enthusiastic about it. What the hell is nice about orientation after the 7th time ??

It's like losing the motivation & passion of orientation. It's that feeling when you sit in a circle and "talk" , you end up talking not because you want to make friends & stuff , but mostly because you've been a facilitator before you realise what a pain quiet participants can be . And you end up saying absolutely senseless & boring things like "what do u think about the london bomb blast ? " ............... terrorism blah blah .. totally talked to death topic .

Yah . maybe that's the problem , i really don't feel making new friends. It's all so tiresome having to go through entire process again. I'm contented to stone and stare in space with imaginary music playing in head being all alone. Maybe that's why i like diving too , no one talks underwater and if people initiate conversation you can easily shrug it off with a "i'm slacking , don't disturb" .. which is really what dive trips are .. a completely relaxed slack to the max weekend .. So , i really have no idea how this orientation will turn out to be like , but if past experiences are indicative of future performances , i think i'll just emerge from orientationn feeling extremely mentally & emotionally drained .

Perhaps i ought to be more positive about orientation . under the category of "you never know" .. things might not turn out they we u expect them to be.

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