Oh . the presentation went fairly well . Anyway , the important thing is that it's over . Like many other things , i believe people should not dwell on subjects for too long if :

1. It's over
2. You have no control over it
3. It's totally uninteresting

I should be sleeping . But why am i here ?

Word of the day "Scandalous" . Some things just don't change . I'm still like the satellite receiving news/stories/gossips from everywhere .

Oh , i shall also declare that i'm very pleased that Taufik won Singapore Idol . I can't imagine if Sylvester won . I mean like , all these years , everyone though singaporeans can't sing to save their lives , and the first thing we export from an idol competition is some "kim-mor" CAB (it's chao ah beng btw)?? . So , let's hope Taufik can change that international perception for the english entertainment industry in Singapore . Even Maia can sing better than Sylester . Yes , any sylvester fans that pass by can start hating me now . But hey , that's okay . I don't like Ah lians as well .

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