You know you have officially lost it when you phone in your next cubicle is ringing and you pick up your own phone and say "hello?" . If anything , my own saving grace is that on one saw and heard me doing something that ridiculously stupid . (i hope) . I dunno why i did it , but i just did . I really thought my own phone was ringing and i guess it was a natural reflex action . And maybe i'm plugged into my earphones . But still , at the moment when i remove my earphones and reached for the phone , shouldn't something in my mind click and fire off signals in my brain to say that "there is no sound coming from the phone"

Seriously , i dunno why i'm blogging about this , it sounds absolutely vapid to the ordinary reader . It has been a really bad day . Not that type of bad day where every goes wrong , it's the bad day of a different , melancholic type . Totally stoned and void of feelings and responses and just simply a general inability to work , or just to move . Just empty .

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