I always say that i'm forunate for landing myself in such a position in my work place during my NS years . Today , the topic of organisational culture was explored . It's funny how the opportunity presented itself , lets just we happen to see eye to eye , however , such revolutionary action takes more than one day . The issue, i guess , strikes the heart of many NSF out there. Being attached to an organisation for 2 years, regardless of which line of service you are being attached to, there seem to be a general disregard towards the inputs and comments from the NSFs themselves. While i suppose somewhere along the line , there had to be many loudmouth and stupid people that were serving the nation , this doesn't necessary mean that all other inputs should be ignored altogether . Same goes for every other NSFs out there . If you think have something worth saying , then contribute , it will somehow affect you in the long run ( if you are stupid , pls ignore this ) , if anything , i'll quote elle woods in legally blonde . "A honest voice is louder than a crowd"
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