Eating Healthier .

In case you haven't found out . I have cable now and one of the shows that i've found out about is "Jamie's School Dinner" , the premise of the show , featuring chef Jamie Oliver , is him trying to change the eating habits of kids all over Britain to get them move away from the unhealthy junk and reconstituted food and try something healthier . It's about eating your greens and having a more balanced diet .

It is something really noble to do . It's also very important that kids are getting the nutrients that they need. I'm sure that we don't want out kids consuming such fatty foods. I think my biological clock may be ticking , but watching the show and looking at the kids on tv rejecting their greens got me hoping that waylon seth ( see below ) won't end up that way .

So belda . pls feed ur kid properly . Then again . ur husband chef better take care of that portion .

For more information . Go HERE

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