Have you seen the difference ?

Look at the 2 pictures . On the left , it's the worker's party rally and on the right , you have the rally from the PAP . See the distinct difference and you get an idea how "rah-rah" the atmosphere at the rally must have been . Silly ol' me went for the PAP rally , i.e. the one the right and boy was it boring . granted that it was raining , but i think the difference is too great to ignore .

Well . initially , i would have thought that the picture the left would be some rock concert , but seriously , i had to eat my words today . I was down at the tampines rally today and let's just say it looked like the entire tampines residents decide to come down and listen . the entire field was overrun and you could see people standing on the opposite side of the road listening , motorcycles parked everywhere along the pavement and overhead bridges overun with people , me and fish had to stand on a little island on the in between the zebra crossing and the proper crossing because there was simply no space on the field itself .

Yet , from where we stood , for once , you would say that the political spirit in singapore is alive and strong . I saw people waving their worker's party flags , carrying their newsletter and savvy hawkers selling drinks and ice-cream . The police had to practically regulate the traffic as compared to the police just simply talking amongst themselves yesterday .

Of course , one can always blame the rain yesterday , but need i remind u that today , residents were standing in the fields of mud . twice the icky from yesterday . However , it is easy to point out and wonder whether this gathering of throngs are simply what singaporeans enjoy doing . i.e kaypoh . Will it ever translate to votes ? We will know when polling day comes , but my point simply put , people have to listen for themselves and make the choice for them . Do we really want an increasingly complacent party that has been in power for 40 odd years , or do we want a new generation of leaders fighting against the system?

It's so easy to sympathise with the hero battling the lost cause, but come on , seriously . Slaughter the cash cow and spilt the profits .

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