Adventures of my first Tarte aux Citron

originally uploaded by shangz.

After having the strangest inspiration on monday , i decide to embark on making a Tarte Aux Citron . Ever since i had the tarte from PIerre Herme , i've been absolutely crazy over it . The obsession was incurable . I tried all things lemon just to get the same kind of hit i had . I was an addict . So while walking about Borders , i came across Jamie Oliver's recipe for a lemon meringue pie . I took a quick snap of the recipe and left the store like the furtive thief .

After one entire night of partying , i got to more research and lo and behold , i found pierre herme's recipe for the tarte aux citron so i just had to try it . A quick trip to the supermarket and back and i was ready .

Clearly , my first attempt was shit . The crust i had made out of digestive biscuits was just horrible . It crumbled at the slightest touch, which resulted in that monstrosity above .

So , i add more butter into the crust mixture and made sure it would hold properly and the result was viola :

originally uploaded by shangz.

By a stroke of luck , my parents bought strawberries , so took one and sliced it up and arranged it . The lemon cream was simply delicious . Needs a few adjustments ( some glaze perhaps ) and a few more attempts to perfect it but it shall be ready by christmas . Just wait and see .

This concludes , Tarte aux Citron version one .

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