I saw a very nice shirt at zara today . Cost : $75 . Should i buy it ? I'm going diving and all and i'm broke and everything , but the shirt will go into under the investment of "University clothes" . U can't wear the same thing everyday to school u know . Its' tres unglam . i would have put up the picture up , but i just can't find it anywhere on the internet .

Okay . i shall attempt to describe it . It's light blue with vertical stripes and it's vintage . totally seth cohen . very cool because it looks like you're wearing a shirt underneath but you're not . Goes perfect with jeans or anything khaki colouered . Casual enough for the beach , yet formal enough for clubs ( i hate it when people dress shabbily for clubbing )Sigh .. i shall go ponder about it and decide soon . Zara things disappear very fast . The nice stuff at least . bleargh .

Dilemmas . Dilemmas ...

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