have you ever had one of days where everything just passes you by and when night falls you wonder where you have been and why did the entire day pass by so quickly and why weren't you enjoying any moment of it . today is one of days for me . i think i just woke up feeling very lost and disorientated with my life , like i woke up into a wrong life and went through the day as another person . I mean , what kind of normal person would be in school 3 weeks in a row on a day which they have no school , who takes up multiple co-curricular projects and eventually find himself being pushed around and end up working to the wee hours of the night ? .. Who actually gives up in class and resorts to copying their assignments and hand it up and even if someone is kind of identify you mistakes you don't even care to amend it . what kind of person doesn't pay attention on the road and get's a blinding flash in the middle of the night while driving ? ... who goes out with their friends and actually wish that they were at home doing their work .
Nobody . except silly ol' dingdong me . bleah . when i wake up tmrw . things shall be better .
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