All in a day's work .

I think it's absolutely fucking amazing that we can sit around the kopitiam , laugh our heads off and possibly annoy everyone in the entire place by our happiness because everyone looks as if death has came to their door . Or in this case , the GPA devil or something equivalent to that. Not to mention how we can drop our work and go spring a random surprise for kriti at Menotti , buy a really nice present and appear today and finish our CAT report . Okay . i guess the fact that i'm still up typing this out should maybe say that we shouldn't have played so much and be more focused on our work , but it's a trade off that i'd be willing to make . We work hard and we play hard to which , i've read of robert's jillyism blog, is called "living on the edges" . Robert is freakin' brilliant and i truly truly hate brilliant people . They just make everyone look bad . Oh . Robert is the creative guy which is collaborating with for me comms project which is like totally over .

In an quick effort to capture all the shit since monday , here's a random smattering of quotes .

"useless is relative
Yeah, your relative ."

The highlight of my week . really .

"Komala's is vegetarian "

and the award for stating the obvious goes to ....

"excel provides tools for dynamic and static analysis of the various business models ..."

I know . we're all shocked .

You know . i think i can type my entire CAT report and you'll be amazed . I think my smoking skills have just reached a whole new level of high . The wonders of an education .

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