I knew specifically what i wanted to blog about yesterday evening , however , now , faced with his blank canvas , i realised whatever that i wanted to do have just totally eluded me . It's the scatterbrain syndrome i say . It feels as if i'm unable to focus on something for anything longer than 15 minutes . After 15 minutes, my mind starts to wander to somewhere else . A place where's it's totally irrelevant and absolutely silly in every sense of the word . I mean , no one really thinks about stuff like "Who's staying at the block of flats" or "What is vannessa carlton singing about in 'White Houses' "

I've been easily distracted before, however this time round , it's different. I know throughout the entire A level period i had to fight the thought of a free and easy post A level life , but a least i can sit through and analyse an entire poem in the library . But now i can't sit quietly on the bus to read a book . In fact , i can't even remember the last time i finished reading a book . Nothing sticks around long enough to be stuck in my head . The only thing i read nowadays are dilbert comics because the attention span required only lasts 3 squares of pictures . (p/s , i'm trying to re-read prozac nation with little avail)

Things in my life gets half-done , work quality falls and sometimes , i sit around wondering that i have to do even though at the back of head i know i have to do this and that but no tangible physical product of work ever appears . Everything has been put on hold for nothing . There's a certain incapacity to do work . Not because i don't know what is to be done , but just because i'm not doing it . Just this sense of inertia towards everything .

Someone wake me up .

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