Someone asked me today ...

The question was why is life so sucky , or why life is so hard . Something along those lines , the same usual philosophical pondering of why their life isn't as rosy. My reply ? That's why it's called life . I'm finally beginning to understand the wisdoms of what little advice that has been dispensed to me . I don't usually get a lot of advice . I think mostly because i'm the one giving it most of the time and it creates this impression that i don't really need it , but that's not the point here . Point is , i'm beginning to understand . Understand how things around here work . You don't expect the sky . You just don't , because if you do , you'll just end up being disappointed time and time again . You take things slow , you take your time , understand your limitations . No one is pushing you except yourself . You find your pace . I like my life . Measured pace . That's what it is . No rushing towards the theoretical ambition . Just taking one step at a time and making sure you get there on time . I love my clarity .

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