What Fall ?

originally uploaded by shangz.

Traditionally , fall is the time of year where u take out nice sweaters and jackets, but Singapore is a very sweater-unfriendly place . but i love my sweaters and my jackets but you seriously have to be slightly deranged to wear them out in Singapore . like me . The only thing good about SMU is that it is so thoroughly air-conditioned that you can wear a sweater in school .

I do see a lot more people wearing sweaters in school nowadays . Though they are absolutely butchering the trend by wearing the ugliest of things . One thing i absolutely cannot stand is that male cardigan thing. I believe it for better built guys and not for scrawny guys . Also , i don't think it' meant to be buttoned up . Basically , it's ugly and the more complicated the prints , the uglier it is. Go basic and wear the simple colours .

Clockwise , Khaki H&M Jacket for 35 Euros , Blue stitched sweater from pull and bear S$29.90 , Zara Kids Red Pullover , S$44.50 and Dark brown demin jacket from U2 S$35 .

PS : i got bored at home so i decided to shoot my sweaters .

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