Of Internships and Relationships
It is not uncommon to hear someone telling you that someday, when destiny is right and when the stars and planets align, the perfect match will come along and change your life. As it turns out, at this precise juncture, one would say that I’m running out of time. Of course I’m not entirely without fault, but when my friend pointed out the fact that I’m being too selective i realized that if anything, my flaw is the fact that perhaps I’m lazy because in this day and age, one can never be too picky. It was also at this exact moment, coupled with the marathon episodes of Sex and the City, it finally dawned on me that searching for an internship is exactly the same as searching for a relationship and if the both were indeed similar, is there such a thing as a perfect internship? You spend most of your time deciding what internship would be interested in and just like scouting for the opposite sex at the bar or wherever it is people stalk other people nowadays - facebook perhaps - you sit and observe and consider an entire list of values that are important you before you actually make a conscious decision to take action. Of course, once in a blue moon, you get a fantastic offer which you just cannot resist and without thinking, you apply for it, but i’ve come to realise if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. The same advice goes out all to all the people attempting to date models. Love is may be blind, but you’re on the only blind person in this game of two and the sooner you realise that the easier it will be on everyone.
I’m also beginning to feel that people are getting increasingly bored of hearing me whine about internships. There is that specific short laugh, smile and then like a lightning bolt, quickly switch topics. It is the exact same strategy i’ve employed over the years where i’ve heard people talk endlessly about their relationships and their relationship problems. I have inadvertently turned into my own worst nightmare. A non-stop chatterbox that has to constantly talk about “feelings” . Once in a while, it may present an opportunity for philosophical musings, but an overload will simply turn you into a socially retarded person.
The similarities however do not end there. People would comfort you to tell you that they would rather be jobless and sitting at home doing nothing. No. That is rubbish. I would rather be on an internship because hello , did you not get the memo? No internship , no graduation. If it was not compulsory, i wouldn’t be sitting here blogging about it in the first place. Strangely enough , many people also believe in the myth that the opportunity getting married drops significantly if you are unattached after your years in university. It’s like if you cannot get someone in some of the horniest years of your life, you’re fucked. You know what’s more fucked up than that ? Not graduating .
So, let’s just assume, you’ve spotted your target and move in for the kill and then after 3 days, you don’t hear from the person. What went wrong? I had a good time, we laughed, i even dressed up dammit. We shared our expectations of each other, we got to know each other better and we exchanged contacts and said we’ll speak soon but no. nothing at all. Such is the dramas of interviews. Sitting around waiting around for all that all important phone call and when the phone call comes, you know have to act all cool about it so you won’t sound like a dumbwit who has made plans way into the future.
At this point, this is where the blog post stops. I don’t have an actual internship to tell you if being in an internship is like being in a relationship. Come to think of it , i don’t have a relationship either. Unless it is with one of those online TV streaming websites. What i do know so far is that people with internships would rather not have one and people without internships would rather be working. Yep . Exactly like how people in relationships crave for the freedom of the single life.
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- Published:
- 6/11/2008 03:31:00 pm
- by shangz
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